Friday, June 26, 2009


Lake Wallpaper #52

Lake Wallpaper #54

Lake Wallpaper #55

Lake Wallpaper #58

Lake Wallpaper #57

Lake Wallpaper #53

Lake Wallpaper #56

Lake Wallpaper #45

Lake Wallpaper #49

Lake Wallpaper #42

Lake Wallpaper #34

Lake Wallpaper #33

[16:10] He sends down from the sky water for your drink, and to
grow trees for your benefit.
[16:68] And your Lord inspired the bee: build homes in mountains
and trees, and in (the hives) they build for you.
[22:18] Do you not realize that to GOD prostrates everyone in the
heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars,
and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many
people? Many others among the people are committed to doom.
Whomever GOD shames, none will honor him. Everything is in
accordance with GOD's will.
[27:60] Who is the One who created the heavens and the earth?
Who is the One who sends down to you from the sky water,
whereby we produce gardens full of beauty - you could not
possibly manufacture its trees? Is it another god with GOD?
Indeed, they are people who have deviated.
[31:27] If all the trees on earth were made into pens, and the
ocean supplied the ink, augmented by seven more oceans, the
words of GOD would not run out. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Harapan Tidak Buta

Harapan Tidak Buta

Berjalan di jalan yang terang
agar tiada jatuh dan tersungkur
di persimpangan
Perhati tika dijalanan
bimbang datang ujian
menduga keimanan

Ocean view: Green and blue paradise by Asadbabil (super busy).

Sudah menjadi suratan
setiap sesuatu
bersifat sementara....
Jerit perit di dunia
terungkai dek pawanan
hembusan ketakwaan
Pilu melihat mereka
dihimpit kemiskinan
yang serba kekurangan...
Pekat walau sedikit
terukir keredhaan
di wajah ketenangan

Masih ada harapan
ubah nasib kehidupan
bekalan ilmu yang berguna

Berjalan dijalan yang terang
agar tiada jatuh dan tersungkur
di persimpangan
Perhati tika di jalanan
bimbang datang ujian
menduga keimanan

Berusaha hindar keculasan
waspada kefakiran
menjerumuskan kekufuran
Maruah di bela dijaga
tidak meminta-minta
hanya Tuhan segala........

coit summer blue moon in night fog by louie imaging(busy).

Alarm Me